I also had to make Cayman a veil because she kept putting her silky night gown on her head saying she was getting married. If it wasn't the gown, it was a silky blanket and it would just fall off. I did a make-shift one and since I don't have a sewing machine, this is how it turned out. She loves it though and it works!
We had Fathers day and Cory got a couple tickets to Elton John and Billy Joel when they come in November. He was very excited and surprised. I finally got him something he liked! I made a turkey breast dinner and it turned out great! Cayman told him Happy Fathers Day and I got it on video.
It is so cute! She painted him a magnet of a guitar all by herself and gave it to Cory with a card. She then also did some watercolor paintings.
We also got to go to Cory's friend Penny's house to see her ranch. She had about a dozen horses and 4 baby horses that Cayman got to pet and she actually got to ride a really big horse by herself. I took lots of pictures and a little video.
She does so well to sit on the horse and she just looks like a natural. Cayman loves horses and asks all the time to ride one. She was in heaven! After the horses, we got to see a baby peacock, chicks, roosters, and ducks. Cayman got to feed the chickens by sprinkling bird seed on the ground. It was a fun evening. Thanks to Penny for sharing her home!
This weekend was West fest in West Valley. Connie has done the retail booths for this event the last couple of years and this year she decided to also make things for a booth rental. She made burp cloths, magnet boards, hooded towels, visors and crowns to decorate your own and magnets. It was a lot of really cute stuff.
As a perk for her working this carnival, she got all us kids into the rides for free! VIP is what our hand stamp said and we got to ride all the rides we wanted. It was great fun for Cayman and Cory.

I had to watch which was also fun for me as I love to see my little princess laugh and smile. She loves rides!

I love summer for the carnivals, parades and food. I had 2 snowies yesterday and I was in heaven. I love sno-cones! Yummy! CJ and Jackie, Candice, Dallas and Cohen also came. We got to hang out with them for most of the day. What a fun family day it was! Cayman got to pick face painting and of all the things she could choose, she chose a Ute flag! So funny and then her other cheek had a Ute Tattoo! She looked so cute. Cory and I got her a balloon made into a dog. It was pretty cute.