Every once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a Fairytale.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Antelope Island!

My dad came to visit this weekend and we thought we would go to Antelope Island since him and Carma have never been. Cayman loved it last year when we went out there and so we decided to make it a go! We went with Alli and Paul, Dad, Carma and Miquel, and Our family. We took kites and packed a picnic. Off we went! Cayman is really into seeing moose...except that they are buffalo. There is this huge,ceramic statue buffalo we pass on 500 south almost everyday when we go into town and she loves to watch for her "moose." As we got out to Antelope Island, there at the entrance is a "moose" statue. Cayman was so excited and wanted to get out to see. We couldn't yet because it is on the other side and you can get out on the way out of the park. We kept driving and luckily, up a little ways on a look out spot there was another "moose". We let her get out and get on top of it to get a picture. It said not to touch be who are we to disappoint our little girl. She was so happy.

When we really did stop and look at some real buffalo, Cayman said can I ride the moose please? I said no way, then she says can I pet it? I said, no...these are mean and we can't get close to them. She loved to look out the window and spot them.
We saw alot of buffalo that afternoon and other than those, we really didn't see much except birds. Not even antelope.
We went up to the ranch and walked around, we brought out our picnic to eat and our kites to fly but it was so dang windy, we only ate our lunch really fast. The wind was out of control. It was still fun though. As we went through some of the old buildings, Cayman found a spinning wheel like the one in Sleeping Beauty. She said look mommy, then stuck her finger out to touch the spindle, I said no, don't touch it...she touched it and pretended to be Aurora! She loves that show and always acts out that she pricked her finger and falls to the floor. We have to kiss her to wake her up. What a little pretender we have! It is so cute.
We had a pretty fun afternoon and then we got home and took a little nap. It was fun to see my family.
I am 19 weeks pregnant and have gained 4 pounds since I found out. I took a picture of myself to see the tummy. It is not a great picture and I am fatter than a hippo but what can I say? Hopefully I will lose all the weight and more when I deliver this little baby boy. We got a cute gray and white carseat and we are looking for bedding. I have an appointment next Tuesday and I will post more about the doctors then.


Anonymous said...

My cute little family having so much fun. I love it. So hopefully you were able to use your picnic kit from Christmas. Love you.

ashlan said...

I have a girl that makes custom baby bedding. She is very reasonable, if you don't make the whole crib set out of minkiy and chanelle (ouch) If you want her number give me a call or if you want to see rykers crib set. She also just did kennadees twin bed and its beautiful just fyi don't use minkiy or chanelle its so expensive but very cute~

Nena said...

I didn't know you were pregnant! WOO HOO! That is what I have, a girl then a boy! How far apart will they be? Peyton and Parker are 2 months shy of 3 years apart :)