Every once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a Fairytale.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Yellowstone Camping Trip

Cooper went in for his 5 year check up. He was so cute and so worried about getting shots. He was really good at getting his tests done. He did an eye exam and then the hearing test. Here he is listening for the beeps and raising his hand when he hears it.


He ended up getting 3 shots in his legs and his height was 39.7/8 and weight was 34.4lbs.  He is on the charts at 9%. My cute little guy.  Ready for Kindergarten. The next day we left for our camping trip up to West Yellowstone with our friends the Huggards. First stop was Big Juds. We had to get the 1lb hamburger. It is one of my favorite stops to eat at.
After eating we went to our campground at Macks Inn in Island Park.


We went on a little walk to see the fish and we went to see John Sacks cabin but it was closed. We had treats and sat by the fire.
Cooper was so tired by the end of the night, he just fell asleep in my arms.
The next morning the kids were up and exploring the woods.

I love this little kid. He is always so happy and smiley and I get to be "aunt July". I love his little snuggles.
The girls were constantly getting ready, combing their hair, putting on lipgloss and being so girly I was dying.  Seriously we are in trouble when she grows up.
We headed to Yellowstone after breakfast and had to get a picture.
We stopped at the firehole waterfall.

Then it was on to the firehole swimming hole. The kids were excited to get into the water and play. It was pretty cold and they only lasted a little bit. Cayman was brave and went all the way under the water. She was cold!


 After the swimming fun we headed to look at the hotpots and then head to Old Faithful.


 We had a little picnic at the Old faithful lodge. It was a really  nice day outside and it was fun to be out.
 And then Old faithful erupted!

 We headed to do the loop and stopped at the Yellowstone lake. I had never been there before and the sand was black like from a volcano. It was very interesting.

 We saw a few animal tracks in the sand of a few different animals and the kids had fun pretending it was bears or deer.

 It wouldn't be a trip if our little Cooper didn't have to pee somewhere outside. Its his favorite thing to do.

 We saw lots of buffalo. They were very close to the cars.

 And this big one was right outside my window.
 We stopped at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

 And we saw an Elk.

 We ended with dinner at the Gusher pizzeria. The next day we got up and went to do our river rafting trip.  Here are the kids as we woke up. 

We packed up camp and got ready to end our day with the raft trip.

 Here's the whole gang.

 This is about how high the river was for most of the trip. We hardly moved at all and had to get out numerous times to pull the raft. The water was freezing cold!

 Many chances to get in the water.
 Cory dunked Coopers head in the freezing cold and he wasn't happy.
 We saw a moose halfway through our trip and we just prayed it didn't come charging at us. It was a pretty cool sight.

 The kids took turns trying to use the paddles.
We ended after about 4 hours of lazy river floating and headed to get some lunch before our ride home. We ate Mexican at Café sabor and it was yummy. We had a great time with our friends and the camping trip was a great success. It is always nice to get away from the chaos. Summer is coming to an end.

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