Every once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a Fairytale.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter fun!

While I was in the hospital, Cory had to do all the Easter fun without me. I organize a neighborhood egg hunt every year and this time Cory was in charge. It turned out great and lots showed up.

Everyone waiting for the start!

They had pizza that night !
The next morning Cory told Coop to get dressed and this was his choice of outfit.  Not happening.
They headed to the school egg hunt we go to every year and saw the Easter Bunny.

Played some games.
Ready for the egg grab! Glad that the Cottrells came too!

Baby Lee must have thought it was too sunny outside.
After that, they all headed to Red and White Utah game.

After that, they came to the hospital and took me home. Aunt Mel had came down and stayed the day with me in the hospital then took the kids to Chuckee cheese that night after I got home to give us some quiet.

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