Tonight for family home evening we took Cayman to the rec center to go ice skating. She was very excited to be like Minnie Mouse in Once upon a Christmas, where she does an ice skating recital. Very Cute. Cayman walked perfectly on the skates even though they were a bit big. She didn't do too well when Cory got her on the ice. She loved it though. We made it about a half and hour. Cayman really could not even stand on the ice. She was so cute and little. We will have to bring her again soon. I know she loved it. I am posting pics and a video.
4 years ago
You do such fun things. You are creating such a great legacy. Could Cayman possibly get any cuter? She is so happy. It is fun to see her in action. Thanks for the new post.
I was just going to say the same thing as grandma do such fun things! We need to make more time to do fun stuff. We work too much! You are darling and I can't wait to see the little boy...what's his name?
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